Year One: Preparation and Enrichment
Year One: Preparation and Enrichment
- We learned about his academic grades and subjects in his Class X
- Discussed his wish list of university subjects (no Maths!)
- We sent Varun and his parents a timeline for the application process
- Looked at some of the University campuses on skype via screen sharing
- Gathered a general overview of what the entry requirements would be and what the ISC equivalences would be in Class XII
- Guided him through an interest profile application called Centigrade* more information
- Set up a What’s App group with us and Varun
- Set up a What’s App group with us, Varun and his parents (with Varun’s permission) so that they could be involved in the big decisions
- Had regular sessions with Varun via skype and emails to review his thoughts and plans for university entry
- By the end of Year One Varun had a clear idea of his shortlisted universities
- One reach, three strong contenders and one back up
- We had a list of suitable courses and degree choices for Varun to consider
- Subject choices included history, business and politics
- Due to his sporting and social requirements and the interdisciplinary nature of his subject choices a campus university came up tops
Year Two: Building upon his strengths and providing extra resources
Phase One: The Application
- We discussed Varun’s work experience and voluntary commitments
- Discussed topical events that Varun was interested in
- Provided enrichment resources and recommended reading material to give a subject insight
- Arranged campus visits for Varun and his parents on their visit to the UK
- Organised appointments to tour the universities and meet with academics at Durham, Warwick and Exeter universities
- Closer look at each of the courses and modules likely to be studied
- Looked at accommodation options and the Student Union provisions
- As Durham was one of Varun’s choices, we advised him on college options
- Worked on preparation for the Personal Statement over several weeks
Phase Two: Offers and preparation in the run up to registration
- Offers came in from all universities
- Varun scored well in his IELTs exam at his local British Council
- We discussed the offers with Varun and his parents taking into account the likelihood of gaining his predicted grades
- Varun decided on Durham University as his FIRM Choice and Warwick as his INSURANCE offer
- Durham then sent a Certificate of Acceptance (CAS) so that he could obtain his Student Visa
- Varun’s great results meant that he succeeded in getting into his top university choice
- We liaised on Varun’s behalf with the college to ensure he had all the relevant paperwork and helped him with his module choices
The result
Varun is now in his second year at Durham, is thoroughly enjoying his time there and is now planning for his Masters application.
Varun was a student from India studying ISC, one of Indian national curriculum boards. He had potential to study at a top-ranking UK university but was undecided about which course to apply for or which universities would suit him. We put Varun on our Platinum student package which covered two years in the run up to his university entry.
We had initial skype sessions with Varun to find out more about him, his academic and social interests and what he liked to do in his spare time. He was very interested in history, had been involved with the MUN and enjoyed playing Basketball.